Amazon Therapeutics

We offer over 100 species of medicinal herbs, therapeutic teas, and 60 classic formulations presented as liquid extracts, capsules and salves. Our product line is renowned for extremely high potency, well-crafted compounds which maximize the synergistic value of time tested remedies. Formulated over centuries of popular use and supported by research, the efficacy of the Amazon pharmacopeia offers herbalists and medical doctors a new range of stunning phyto-nutrients and natural drug compounds. These offerings effectively broaden the therapeutic repertoire of natural healing on many levels of medicine; both allopathic and naturopathic.

Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories is a vertically integrated company with offices and research facilities in both North and South America. This allows us to work directly with botanists, tribal leaders, universities and laboratories to cultivate and research traditional medicines which are found to be beneficial for both humans and the land.

We believe that empirical wisdom and modern science can combine important resources for a long term vision of biological health. We are adamant in support of indigenous land rights and intellectual property. Our trademarks and proprietary formulations are registered on behalf of indigenous societies in the Amazon Basin and Andes Mountains. A portion of each sale is designated to help protect natural heritage through conservation projects

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