PASHUCHACA>>Queen of the Geraniums
There is nothing new about this “new discovery’ .
This tiny species of geranium is an astounding herb worthy of everyone’s medicine cabinet! Pashuchaca has been a staple in the satchel of ancient Andean people since before recorded time. The pharmacopeia of Andean people is rich and well defined. For more than 100o years healers of the Andes traveled far and wide and treated the royal courts of the Incan empire and beyond. Andean healers were known to travel far into Meso-America on long sojourns. Throughout America’s they served at the pleasure of neighboring tribes were famous for botanical medicines long before the arrival of Europeans.
There are stories of people being stuck in Peru and needing to relying on native healers. This is one of those essential herbs. We visited the University of San Marco, Lima Peru, various times since 1994. One very large study conducted there was with Pasuchaca collected on our expeditions to the central Andes mountains at 14,000 feet elevation. We have been working with this herb now for nearly 20 years.. it’s a mainstay for me now and I’d recommend this for researchers as something known to be empirically selected and worthy of a future trial.
Jerome Black, Ethnobotanical Researcher: Grants Pass, Oregon, Tarma Peru. December 2016
*A study carried out by the Peruvian Anti-Biopiracy Commission and recently submitted to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member countries, claims that Peru is the world leader in the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples, thanks to its advanced legislation and the legal innovation regarding this matter.
Biopiracy is known as the unauthorized and uncompensated access and use of biological resources or traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples by third parties.
The Anti-Biopiracy Commission, which tracks and identifies biopiracy cases, has developed a system for the prevention and protection of Peruvian biological resources and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples by opposing patent applications and/or challenging granted patents abroad. The goal of this work is not preventing the use of these resources, but making sure that they are used legally and with a fair contribution for the benefit of the sustainable development of the country and especially of the native communities.
The report shows that the Peruvian Anti-Biopiracy Commission has resolved favorably 15 biopiracy cases related to native plants. As an example, the Commission has managed to invalidate six patents involving maca root (plant native to the Peruvian Andean provinces of Junín and Cerro de Pasco) for manufacture in Japan, Korea and Europe.
Additionally, other cases related to yacón, pashuchaca (plants native to the Andes used for treatments), sachainchi and camucamu (plants native to the Amazon rainforest areas of Iquitos, Tarapoto and Pucallpa) were successful at early stages since the Anti-Biopiracy Commission opposed to the patent applications.
Peruvian legislation on biopiracy is based on “Decision No. 391 Establishing the Common Regime on Access to Genetic Resources,” in force since 1996 in the Andean Community of Nations member countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), and Law 27811 “Protecting Access to Peruvian Biological Diversity and the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples,” in force since 2002.
Previously published on 14 March 2016
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
09:23. Lima, nov. 24. El Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud) inauguró el primer Centro de Investigación Clínica de Medicina Complementaria en Latinoamérica, el cual realizará estudios de investigación de nuestros productos naturales, terapias y métodos alternativos para el tratamientos.
Así lo informó Manuel de la Flor Matos, gerente general de EsSalud, quien destacó la importancia de la creación de este centro, que permitirá obtener conocimientos sobre cómo prevenir, tratar y diagnosticar medicina complementaria que serán de beneficio para la comunidad científica y para toda la población asegurada.
“A través de este primer Centro de Investigación Clínica de Medicina Complementaria (CICMEC) se validarán los conocimientos que forman parte de nuestra medicina tradicional, dándole el sustento científico que necesitan para ser reconocidos, valorados y aceptados por la comunidad a nivel nacional e internacional”, indicó el funcionario.
Actualmente existen solo 19 centros especializados en medicina complementaria a nivel mundial, de los cuales 3 se encuentran en Africa, 1 en Europa, 1 en el Sudeste Asiático, 12 en el Pacífico Occidental y 2 en América del Norte.
Informó que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), en su publicación “Estrategia sobre Medicina Tradicional 2014-2023”, señala entre sus objetivos prestar apoyo a los estados miembros a fin de que promuevan la utilización segura y eficaz de la medicina tradicional y complementaria a través de la reglamentación y la investigación.
Recalcó que con la inauguración del Centro de Investigación Clínica de Medicina Complementaria (CICMEC), se completa el circulo de investigación que se inicia en el Instituto de Medicina Tradicional (IMET), ubicado en la ciudad de Iquitos, en el cual se realizan investigaciones pre-clínicas sobre estudios botánicos, etnomédicos, fitoquímicos, farmacológicos y estudios toxicológicos de diversas plantas.
En ese sentido, informó que dentro de las últimas investigaciones del IMET, se encuentra el efecto de las especies camu camu, abuta, tarwi, bolsa mullaca y pasuchaca en un modelo experimental, entre otros.
De la Flor Matos precisó que, el CICMEC, trabajará en coordinación con el Instituto de Medicina Tradicional (IMET) para continuar con la fase clínica de diversos estudios realizados en el IMET, para validar el uso de las plantas medicinales.
A través de este centro de investigación se podrán ejecutar proyectos de investigación elaborados en conjunto con la Universidad de Callgary (Canadá) y la Universidad de Buffalo (Nueva York), esto como parte de convenios firmados con estas instituciones.
Finalmente destacó que los convenios con estas universidades extranjeras nos abrirá la puertas ante la comunidad científica internacional y nos permitirá contar con productos naturales de calidad que beneficien a nuestros asegurados.
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